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Why should we use reinforced concrete holes and what are the benefits of using it?

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Why should we use reinforced concrete holes and what are the benefits of using it?








If you buyed a house, you received a renovation or construction project for any kind of building which is requiring to install different air conditioners, hoods or different installations, reinforced concrets holes are the best way to make your work easier. Summarizing, these are used when you need perfect circular holes in:


  • concrete

  • BCA

  • brick

  • floors

  • walls

  • diaphragms

  • beams

  • piling

  • coatings

  • stone


The coring offers various advantages compared with the old methods  which causes a lot of difficulties and more costs. We don't  want to enter in the technical terms and to explain better the process, we can say that the device used to the cutting consist in a tube which incorporate diamond segments. The devices are installed on a rotary shaft which connects to a machine.


The demand of the reinforced concrete holes services has increased in the past years because this works fast, it is clean, it doesn”fta generates unpleasant events such as damaging the structure of the wall and also it doesn„t causes vibrations in the structure of the concrete. We can easily see numerous advantages of it:


  • lack of vibration;

  • lack of dust;

  • lack of cracks;

  • does not generate noise;

  • very high execution speed;

  • great precision in drilling;

  • can be performed from various difficile angles.



On a long term, coring is the best decisions comparing with the classic methods. Also, aesthetically, it is preferred to be used because the hole but the material around it are remaining perfect without being necessary any other interventions. Works can be done close to the electrical networks or conducts without risking to destroy them.


The majority of the companies who executes concrete reinforced holes, are offering corings from 32 mm to 700 mm, the price being different from a diameter to another. Also, there is a variety of corings it depends of the companies and their equipment.

For example, at Servi Therm we have good and professional equipment and we are offering different types of coring, from different angles:


  • door cutting;

  • window cutting;

  • cutting tiles, curbs;

  • cutting concrete foundations buildings;

  • concrete cutting for gas columns;

  • cutting concrete foundations bridges and bridges;

  • cutting in reinforced concrete with diamond disk;

  • concrete cutting for stair or lift openings;

  • concrete cutting for air conditioning;

  • concrete cutting to reduce the height of walls;

  • installation cuts for Fire-fighting and anti-burglary  safes;

  • concrete cutting for sanitary and electrical installations.


Both from the point of view of financial resources and the time resources, if you want to make a long-term investment, easy and quicky, concrete reinforced holes are the perfect choice. We have to mention that these must be executed by professionists  with accuracy and with quality equipments. And another important aspect is obtaining the authorization from the mayor to cut the walls, this being the responsibility of the beneficiary.

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The process behind coring and its benefits
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